sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

It's a Boy!!! 22 weeks, 5 days

On Tuesday Dec. 14,  before heading to the States, we found out that he's a BOY!  It didn't matter too much either way to me, but his daddy was pretty excited.  At the ultrasound they told us that he was a good size, but one of his kidneys was a little dilated, but not to worry that it often happens with boys when they're still developing.  We had another ultrasound the Thursday after at a private doctor's office and they did a 3D ultrasound.  They told us he was perfect.  His picture was so funny!  He looked just like Mr. Burns.  I'm sure he'll be a cutie though.  
We really enjoyed our time in the states seeing family.  Love this pic of me, my mommy and my sisters at the 40th anniversary celebration.  So sweet!  We had such a nice time!

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